5 Best Coding Kits for Kids to Start Learning Today

Like reading and writing, coding is an important skill in the modern world. Teaching kids to code not only prepares them for the jobs of the future, but also makes them smarter, more creative, and better problem solvers. Coding kits are a great way for parents to get their kids interested in coding. These kits are designed to make learning to code fun and interesting, by giving you real-world examples of how to use the code. To help kids learn to code in no time, here are five of the best coding kits for kids.

1. Lego Boost Creative Toolbox

The Lego Boost Creative Toolbox combines the classic fun of LEGO building with the needs of coding education in the modern world. Kids can use the free app to design each of the five models they can make with the kit, which includes a robot, a cat, and a guitar. Children aged 7 and over can use the drag-and-drop coding system without any problems. Kids can learn the basics of coding and improve their engineering and spatial awareness skills through fun challenges and jobs.

2. Botley the Coding Robot

When children aged 5 overuse the Botley Coding Robot, they learn to code without looking at a screen. The easy-to-use remote software that comes with the Botley tells it how to move, make sounds, and even move through obstacles. Through fun games, this coding kit teaches the basics of the coding process and logic. Additionally, Botley’s ability to interact with real objects makes coding an idea that children can easily understand.

3. Kano Computer Kit

Kano Computer Suite is a more complete way to learn coding. Kids can build their computers from scratch, learning coding and the tools that make up a computer. Kids can use Kano’s open-source operating system to create games and songs and even hack Minecraft once it’s put together. Kids aged 6 to 14 who are really into computers will love this kit as it contains hundreds of coding tasks and projects.

4. Makeblock mBot Coding Robot Kit

Making a Makeblock mBot is a great way for kids to learn programming, electronics, and robotics at the same time. mBot is a cheap STEM toy for children aged 8 and over. Assembly takes just 15 minutes and can be managed from a smartphone or tablet. It uses Scratch or Arduino C code, which is a great way to teach kids programming. mBot can also communicate wirelessly with other robots, so kids can use a gamepad to control their robots and even transform them to do fun things.

5. Osmo Coding Starter Kit

This is a unique Osmo coding starter set that combines playing and learning. This kit is suitable for children aged 5 to 10 years and comes with a tablet. The on-screen game characters can be controlled using real blocks. This part you can touch can help you understand coding theory and solve problems. Osmo’s games guide children through story-based tasks and gradually help them learn to code. It’s especially useful for teaching kids about command sequences and loops, the basic building blocks of code.


Choosing the right coding kit for your child can help him learn to use technology in creative and useful ways. These kits all have great stuff in them, and they all focus on different parts of coding and STEM education. When you teach kids to code at a young age, you give them the tools they need to achieve their goals in a technology-driven world. You also provide them with a fun way to learn and improve important life skills.


1. What safety measures should parents consider when choosing a coding package for their children?

When choosing a coding kit for children, you should consider safety measures, including making sure the kit is age-appropriate, looking for small parts that could choke young children, and making sure the materials are safe and do not contain harmful chemicals. Parents should also observe their children the first few times they play with the set to ensure it is used safely and correctly.

2. How can coding kits help children find jobs in the future?

Learning to code early can help children improve their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are very important in many technology-related areas. Knowing how to code can not only lead to career opportunities in software development, robotics, and engineering, but as technology changes, it can give you an edge in almost any business.

3. Do I need an internet connection to use these code packs?

Internet connection requirements are different for each code suite. For example, the Kano Computer Suite may require an Internet connection to set up and download updates or other materials. Coding Bot Botley is an example of a kit that does not require an internet connection.

4. Can these kits be used for teaching in places like schools or coding camps?

Yes, many of these coding kits are also used in schools, such as libraries, after-school programs, and coding camps. These are great resources for teachers and educators who want to teach coding concepts to small groups because they are fun and informative.

5. Code sets may contain damaged or missing parts. Can I buy a new one?

Many companies that produce coding kits offer replacement parts and customer service for their products. If you lose or damage a part, you should call the manufacturer to find out how to replace it. Some companies may also offer warranties or repairs on their kits.

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